Watching a seizure in your pet can be unsettling to say the least, and it is often challenging to uncover what exactly is causing the seizure activity. In basic terms, seizures are caused by an increase in activity in a certain part of the brain. It is important to remember that there can be many causes contributing to this disruption in normal brain function.

Diet can play a role, especially if a pet is eating a carbohydrate based kibble, which tends to be not only deficient in proper nutrition, but renders many of the ingredients toxic. In addition, vaccines and pharmaceuticals can cause inflammation in the central nervous system that contributes to the development of seizure activity.

The important thing to remember is that when a condition can have a number of different causes, there is also no one cure, or ‘magic-bullet’ that will fix the issue.

I do recommend CBD to help reduce seizure activity in pets, but it is important to remember that if there is an underlying cause that is not addressed, the results will be limited. If you address all the potential causes of seizures in your pet, you will have a much greater chance of success in minimizing or eliminating seizures.

How does CBD help with seizures?
CBD promotes homeostasis and regulation in the central nervous system through the inhibition of certain neurotransmitters. This means that the chemicals that direct activity in the brain can be calmed down by the administration of CBD. It is quite interesting to note that the most abundant receptor in the brain and central nervous system is, in fact, CB1, which is a receptor that binds CBD. This strongly suggests that the central nervous system is designed to use CBD as part of its regulatory mechanism. This is in opposition to pharmaceuticals that do not integrate with the system, but rather cause an overall suppressive effect. This may be beneficial in the short-term to stop seizure activity, but in the long-run, these medications can have undesirable effects on personality and energy levels, as well as being very toxic to the liver.

It is important to remember that there are many more components to the hemp plant, in addition to CBD that are meant to act synergistically. The exact mechanisms of all of the components have yet to be worked out, but using isolates that do not contain the whole plant may drastically diminish results.

CBD competes with an enzyme called CYP 450, which is responsible for the metabolism of a number of medications, including anti-convulsants. This means that if your pet is on any anti-convulsants when you start using CBD, you many need to decrease the dose, or give it less frequently. Be sure to seek medical guidance if this is the case.

The use of CBD can be a valuable tool in treating seizure activity in pets, but it needs to be given as part of an overall health plan including nutrition, minimizing vaccines and other pharmaceuticals, and reducing environmental toxins.

Each pet is different, and the best recommendations will be tailored to individual circumstances. If you need additional help in treating seizures in your pet, please contact me for a consultation.