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Cancer Care


In my 35 years of practice experience, I have seen many changes in the types of conditions that I treat. For me, the saddest of these is the dramatic and ongoing increase in cancer cases. To further the impact of the increase in numbers is the concurrent evidence that conventional treatments are not improving survival rates or the quality of life of pet patients.

I can see clearly that a different approach is desperately needed in order to help treat and, most importantly, prevent this potentially deadly condition. I have found that the key here is to look at what causes cancer in the first place. Conventional methods target the tumor, or body system affected, without looking at where cancer actually comes from. There are some schools of thought that suggest that cancer is solely a genetic disease, and its occurrence is simply ‘bad luck’. If this were true, then why have we seen a dramatic increase in cases in the last few decades? The genetics of our pets have not changed significantly in that time frame.

I have found that the formation of cancer is influenced by many factors. These include inappropriate nutrition, overuse of vaccines and other pharmaceuticals, toxins in the environment, and stress. This actually explains the increase in cancer if you consider the progressive contamination of our food and water supply with pesticides and herbicides, increasing numbers of vaccines being given to pets, and a dramatic increase in the use of electronic devices that emit frequencies that damage the cells of the body. Does stress affect the health of pets? You bet it does. Pets pick up on the energies around them, and in particular those of the humans closest to them. Negative emotions have a negative effect on the health of every pet.

So what options do we have to help pets with cancer?

I have witnessed the amazing ability of the body to heal given proper support, and I know that cancer can be prevented and treated most effectively by addressing the reasons for its formation and supporting the body’s natural ability to heal. The appearance of cancer is not an isolated incident; it is merely the tip of the iceberg, a sign of a much greater underlying imbalance. In order to treat cancer, and prevent its recurrence, we must address the underlying causes.

Cancer Consultations

Hearing the word cancer can be terrifying, and there is often an immediate impulse to attack and kill it as quickly as possible. This may provide the appearance of improvement by shrinking or removing the tumor, but if nothing is done to address the underlying causes of cancer, the results are always temporary.

I have found much greater success in treating cancer by addressing the causative factors and supporting the natural healing ability of the body. A treatment plan that does not include a plan to support the natural healing ability of the body will only have temporary results.

My consults are customized to the specific circumstances surrounding your pet’s needs. I will ask for a detailed history, and all pertinent past medical records. My primary goal is to preserve the quality of life of your pet as much as possible, and for as long as possible.

I will design a treatment plan with you and your pet in mind. I will recommend diagnostic testing appropriate for your pet’s situation. There is no magic bullet, one treatment approach. This will be a comprehensive wellness program designed specifically for your pet.

Treatment Plans

I start by looking at the health of the whole body, as well as the mental and emotional aspects of your pet’s health. We must consider all aspects of health in order to create a comprehensive and effective treatment plan.

Every pet has unique biology, personality, and lifestyle needs for optimal health. Is your pet on an appropriate diet? Does your pet get the right type of exercise and interaction for its breed and constitution? How is your lifestyle and stress level affecting your pet’s health?

This is not a magic-bullet approach. There is not a single diet, supplement, or treatment modality that will cure or prevent cancer. Just as there are many different factors that contribute to the development of cancer, there are many elements that will contribute to its resolution. I will help guide you to make the best choices for the health of your pet.

In addition to supporting the healing ability of the body, we will use methods to slow the progression of cancer that do not produce damaging side effects. Although the methods I use may not be considered mainstream, they all have a sound scientific basis, along with proven clinical efficacy. Everything I do has been in use longer in clinical practice than the more common treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy.

My ultimate goal is to give your pet the best quality of life for as long as possible. This is a treatment progression that requires ongoing monitoring of your pet’s progress. There are variables that will affect the outcome, such as the age of your pet and the stage of disease at the time of presentation, and I can never predict exactly what the outcome of treatment will be. We will always work with you to help your pet, no matter where it is in the process.

The key elements of my treatment approach are:

  1. Proper nutrition– The most important concept here is to feed a fresh, whole-food, species-appropriate diet to your dog or cat. Going a step further, there was important work done by Dr. Otto Warburg in the early 1900s that described cancer as a metabolic disease that is dependent on glucose for energy.  This means that the fewer carbohydrates in the diet in the form of grains, legumes, fruits,  and sugars, and the more fresh meat protein, organ meats, fat, and bone, the less fuel the cancer cells will have for growth.  The ketogenic diet is one that trains the body to burn fat instead of glucose and allows glucose levels to drop far enough to actually starve the cancer cells!
  2. Detoxification – In order to effectively treat or prevent cancer, we must eliminate toxins that damage the cells in the first place, compromise the immune system, and influence gene expression.  Feeding well-sourced, pastured animal products is an important start here.  We must also look at water, chemicals in the home environment, and where you take your pet for walks and other activities.  Food dishes, toys, and bedding can be laden with chemicals, as can the carpeting and furniture in your home.   Electromagnetic frequencies from electronic devices have been proven to have damaging effects on the cells in the body.  In addition to minimizing exposure to toxins, we will use herbal support to assist the body in eliminating toxins that may have already accumulated.
  3. Supporting the immune system – The immune system is a bit of a buzzword, but is a very important part of the equation when it comes to addressing cancer.  This is the mechanism in the body that is charged with eliminating abnormal cells before they can take hold and form into a more serious disease condition.  The elements that we already mentioned, diet and detoxification will help out here immensely.  In addition, there are specific supplements and treatments that will further enhance the function of the immune system.
  4. Inhibiting the growth of cancer cells – There are a number of options that will have direct effects in slowing the progression of cancer without side effects.  I will work with you to choose the option that is the best fit for you and your pet.  These options include:
    • Ozone Therapy – Both support the body’s ability to heal and creates an unfriendly environment for cancer cells.
    • Herbs– Most plants have inherent cancer-fighting properties as part of their own protective mechanism in nature. These can be used in the body to help slow the growth of cancer.  I use a variety of Chinese and Western Herbal Formulas as tools in treating cancer.
    • Essential Oils – These are specially processed distillates of parts of plants that extract natural oils.  There are many oils that have been shown to have benefits in treating cancer.
    • Bach Flower Remedies – Dr. Edward Bach found that certain flowers are effective in treating the emotional component of the disease.  This is an important and often overlooked area of treating cancer in pets
    • Cannabis – The endocannabinoids in CBD oil have been shown to have direct cancer-fighting and anti-inflammatory effects.  This is an exploding industry with a large degree of conflicting information.  We will help guide you in choosing the product to best benefit your pet.  From these many options, I will work with you to create a healing plan customized for you and your pet.
    • Mistletoe – This amazing plant has known cancer-fighting properties, including:
      • Preventing tumor metastasis
      • Causing cancer cell death
      • Improve mitochondria health
      • Reduces tumor blood supply
      • Stabilizes health DNA
      • Stimulates the immune system
      • Increases interleukin 2
      • Reduces side effects of chemotherapy and radiation
      • Reduction of tumor-related pain

      See my blog post HERE for more information on treating cancer with mistletoe.

Diagnostic Testing

While your appointment with me will be via telemedicine, some hands-on diagnostics will likely be necessary to monitor your pet during treatment.

We suggest that you have a local veterinarian that you trust to perform hands-on testing as it becomes necessary.

Caring for your pets with Telemedicine.

All appointments are now via phone or video. We can provide assistance for healthy pet maintenance or chronic illnesses such as cancer and second opinions on diagnostic and treatment recommendations.

Set up your appointment today!

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