Animal Healing Arts is now a private membership association. This means that we only provide services to members of our association. Membership is free, and it only takes a minute to join. Click HERE to become a member today!



At animal healing arts, we are committed to helping your pet live the best life possible.

Whether your pet is currently showing signs of disease, or it is healthy, and you want to keep it that way, we can help.

Wellness Consultations

We offer wellness counseling for pets of all ages, whether it is getting your puppy or kitten off to a great start, keeping your adult pet healthy, or creating a healthy quality of life for your senior pet.

This consultation will include:

  • Review of pertinent medical History
  • Nutrition education and guidance in feeding a species-appropriate diet
  • Alternatives to vaccinations and other pharmaceuticals

**Note** As we are now offering appointments only via telemedicine, we do suggest that you find a local vet close to where you live that can examine your pet in person or perform diagnostic testing should that need arise.

Please click HERE for additional information regarding our wellness plans.

Sick/Symptomatic Pet

We have a unique approach to health conditions such as skin disease, IBS/IBD, kidney or liver disease, diabetes, seizures, autoimmune disease, or any other symptoms your pet may be experiencing.

We believe that the body has an amazing ability to balance and heal with proper support.  Starting with proper nutrition, we will provide recommendations on treatments that come from the natural world.  Although conventional medications may be used if indicated, we strive to find more natural options whenever possible.

This consultation will include:

  • Nutrition review and recommendations based on your pet’s needs
  • Full review of medical records
  • Discussion of treatment options with the pros and cons of each
  • Treatment protocol outline and plan
  • Follow-up recommendations

**Note** As we are now offering appointments only via telemedicine, we do suggest that you find a local vet close to where you live that can examine your pet in person or perform diagnostic testing should that need arise.

As a general rule, vaccinations can perpetuate inflammation and disrupt normal immune system function.

We understand that you want to keep your pet healthy and free of disease. The most important thing you can do for your pet is provided a proper maintenance program that supports normal immune system function, starting with great nutrition.

We can then discuss vaccine alternatives such as homeopathic nosodes and titer testing.

Nutrition Consultations

Are you confused by the conflicting information you are hearing about the best diet for your pet? If so, you are not alone. The world of pet nutrition is full of marketing and claims that may not be a fit for your pet.

Proper nutrition is the foundation of optimal health, and providing it is the single most important thing you can do for your pet.

Areas that we discuss include:


  • The dangers of feeding kibble and other processed foods
  • The benefits of species-appropriate feeding
  • How to feed raw when appropriate for your pet
  • Finding the right food for your pet where you live
  • Transitioning the diet
  • Specific recommendations based on your pet’s medical needs and concerns
Cancer Consultations

Hearing that your pet has a cancer diagnosis can be devastating. Conventional medicine offers only three options: surgery, chemotherapy, and/or radiation therapy. The statistics on the long-term results of these treatments have not been promising, and pet cancer rates have increased dramatically in the last decade. This is a sign that we must move away from the status quo and pursue other options.

We believe in investigating the causes of cancer and determining what needs to be corrected in your pet’s lifestyle in order to correct imbalances. Potential causes of cancer include: inappropriate nutrition; overuse of vaccines and pharmaceuticals; environmental toxins such as pesticides and herbicides, air pollution, and EMF; and stress.

Your pet’s body can heal with the proper support once we remove the toxic insults. After eliminating the possible causes of cancer in your pet, we will develop a plan to support your pet’s natural ability to heal, including diet, whole food supplements, herbs and ozone therapy, and mistletoe injections.

This consultation will include:

  • Nutrition review and recommendations based on your pet’s needs
  • Full review of medical records
  • Discussion of treatment options with the pros and cons of each
  • Treatment protocol outline and plan
  • Follow-up recommendations

**Note** As we are now offering appointments only via telemedicine, we do suggest that you find a local vet close to where you live that can examine your pet in person or perform diagnostic testing should that need arise.

Caring for your pets with Telemedicine.

All appointments are now via phone or video. We can provide assistance for healthy pet maintenance or chronic illnesses such as cancer and second opinions on diagnostic and treatment recommendations.

Set up your appointment today!

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