Ozone therapy is about providing more oxygen for the body to use, and helping the tissues use the oxygen more efficiently.  It is so effective because oxygen is an essential nutrient for every cell in the body.

For cancer patients, in particular, this process boosts the immune system by strengthening the cells that do the work of eliminating damaged cells from the body.  Further, many cancers thrive in a low-oxygen environment as this is how the cells become diseased in the first place.  By providing more oxygen, the cancer cells cannot thrive.

How is this different than the ozone in the atmosphere?  Atmospheric ozone is produced by either lightening or UV radiation splitting oxygen molecules, causing a single oxygen atom to join with O2 to make O3. It gets a bad reputation on smoggy days, so how is it safe to use in your pet? The actual amount of ozone mixed in the smog is actually very small when compared to other pollutants that we see and smell. The reason you hear so much about it is that ozone is easier to measure than the other components of the smog layer. When the ozone level goes up, so do the hydrocarbons and other toxins, but these are in much larger amounts and consequently much more toxic. There is a beneficial layer of ozone far above the earth in the stratosphere, which exits 5-11 miles about the surface of the planet.  This layer protects us from UV radiation so it is dangerous to us if this layer gets depleted.

Medical grade ozone is made by passing pure,  oxygen through a generator that uses an electrical spark to split an oxygen atom off of the O2 molecules. This free oxygen atom will combine with other O2 molecules and produce O3, which is ozone.

Once in the body, the ozone will combine with small protein and fat molecules to form substances called ozonides that can readily enter the cells.  Straight ozone is unstable and will react quickly with the tissues it comes in contact with.  Ozonides, however, are more stable and can provide benefit for days or even weeks after a treatment.

Ozone is nothing new.  The first generator was created by Nikola Tesla in 1896.  It took some time for it to be more widely used as a medical treatment, but it was used in humans as early at 1911 at the Loyola Chicago University to treat tuberculosis, anemia, chlorosis, tinnitus, whooping cough, asthma, bronchitis, hay fever, insomnia, pneumonia, diabetes, gout and syphilis.  In other parts of the world it is a mainstay treatment in human hospitals. There are a number of veterinarians around the country that have been using ozone successfully to treat many disease conditions, including cancer.

Please contact us for more information or visit https://drjudyholisticvet.com/ozone/ and we will help you decide if ozone is right for your pet.