Nosodes are a type of homeopathic vaccination that will not cause the potential side-effects of traditional vaccines – see vaccine reactions.  Nosodes are made using exudates or discharges from an infected animal.  These substances are diluted to a degree such that there is no real biological substance remaining.  There are no toxic preservatives or carriers that can cause the reactions seen when traditional vaccines are given.

Nosodes are given on the mucous membranes of the mouth which is a more natural route of exposure than traditional vaccine. When an unnatural substance such as a vaccination is injected into the body, there is often no established pathway for the body to process it.  This causes an inflammatory response that can result in disease elsewhere in the body.  These reactions are not necessarily immediate, but can occur up to several months later, often becoming chronic or recurrent (sometime on the anniversary date of the vaccine). Reactions can includes skin and gut inflammation, auto-immune disease, seizures, and cancer.

Nosodes generate immunity on an energetic level by improving the strength of the Life Force. There is a great deal of evidence from veterinarians that have used nosodes in clinical practice that they are equally as effective as vaccines, and most importantly, NO side effects.  I believe that a great deal of disease is caused by the overuse of vaccines in veterinary medicine.  If there is an alternative that is equally as effective, with no side effects, then it should be the treatment of choice.

Nosodes can also be used effectively in the face of exposure, unlike traditional vaccines that are only effective if given in advance.  This is a huge advantage, especially when treating very contagious diseases such as kennel cough.

Rabies is regulated in most areas, and the nosode may not be accepted as a substitution for the conventional vaccine. It is best to use a thimerosal-free vaccine product if you do give the vaccine to your pet. There is a homeopathic remedy called lyssin that can be given after the Rabies vaccine to help prevent adverse effects of the vaccine.

Nosodes can be a very effective alternative to traditional vaccinations.  A variety of different protocols have been established by veterinarians, so it is best to treat your pet under the guidance of a holistic veterinarian.