Animal Healing Arts is now a private membership association. This means that we only provide services to members of our association. Membership is free, and it only takes a minute to join. Click HERE to become a member today!

For Veterinarians Only

Welcome to Animal Healing Arts!

Welcome to Animal Healing Arts!

Veterinary practice can be challenging in many aspects, including challenging cases, long hours, managing client emotions, and of course, practice management. Challenges like this can often leave you feeling depleted, and heading for burnout.

How would it feel if instead, your practice left you feeling energized and looking forward to each day?

I believe that the secret here is to find your authentic way of practicing. This includes using only the modalities that really interest you, and creating a sustainable work/life balance.

If you are lucky enough to be in a practice situation that allows you to practice in a more holistic way, you are one of the lucky ones! Cases can still be challenging, however, and I am happy to share my experiences in case management as well as specific treatment modalities.

Alternatively, you may have found that finding employment in holistic medicine is very challenging. I have found that the one sure way to practice authentically is to operate on your own. This may sound intimidating at first, but I can assure you that it isn’t as difficult as you may think. We just weren’t trained to run businesses.

My small scale practice approach can help you do the things you love to do in practice in a very manageable way that allows for time flexibility and a comfortable income.

Pets need more veterinarians practicing what they love, and creating true healing, not just symptomatic control.

We offer a number of coaching services that can help you get started on this path:

1. Practice creation

    • This is a customized step by step process to help you step into the practice of your dreams
    • We will help you understand the necessities of starting a business and help you through each phase

2. Not ready to start a practice yet?

    • Learn how to better enjoy your current work situation
    • Create your vision and remember your Why?
    • Improve your personal health
    • Balance your professional and personal life

3. Help with cases

    • Whether you are interested in learning more about certain modalities, or
    • Just want input on a challenging case? We can help!

In my 35+ years of practice, I have learned a great deal in all of these areas. I would love nothing more than to use my experience to help you get a jump start on the practice of your dreams!

My Personal Journey

My first venture into practice ownership involved the traditional bank loan to buy a full-service clinic. While this did allow me to practice the way I wanted, it was a lot to manage. What I thought was my retirement plan ended up being a road to burnout, and I ended up selling after 12 years of ownership.

I took some time off to regroup, and decided that if I was going to practice again, it had to be very different. I had some new non-negotiables:

    1. No debt aside from a reasonable lease or rental agreement. The practice would support itself and grow organically.
    2. I would only practice in a way that was exciting and energizing.
    3. My work/life balance would be a priority.
    4. I would always have an exit plan.

I looked at commercial spaces in my areas, but found that the lease requirements and build out expenses were out of range for a debt-free start-up.

I had utilized some space in a natural pet store, but this did not seem to be a good permanent solution.

Finally, I decided to try seeing a few patients at my home. It was slow going at first as I had not practiced for 3 years, but the word began to spread. Over the next 2 years we transitioned the front room of our home into a thriving small-space practice.

My husband helped engineer the space and was eventually able to leave his corporate job and help manage the practice. Our staff grew into 2 onsite, and 2 remote employees. It was very exciting to see the practice grow.

Seeing is Believing

Here are some photos of our home practice project. Although our floor plan was far from ideal for a home practice, it worked great. The home atmosphere was very appealing for both clients and pets. We heard over and over again how much more relaxed pets were in the home clinic and many even came running to the door!

Photo Gallery

Click the photos to expand!

A Continuing Evolution

The practice grew so much in fact that most of our house was being used for the clinic. I began to feel an uneasiness set in, and as I began to re-evaluate, I realized that my number 3 non-negotiable was no longer intact. It seemed as though the clinic had taken over our home.

Practice is always an evolution and a practitioner must continue to evaluate whether or not the current path is indeed authentic for him or her.

Due to my unique practice niche, I began to have more and more inquiries from other parts of the country. The telemedicine side of my practice began to grow steadily. When telemedicine was about 30% of my practice, I decided to close the onsite practice and do only telemedicine. This ended up being very freeing and facilitated a cross-country relocation from Colorado to Tennessee. I now see clients from all over the world from our rural homestead.

In Summary

Our animals need inspired, energetic veterinarians who understand the true nature of healing.

Let us help you serve them and yourself in this journey. To setup a consultation, please contact us HERE.

Dr. Judy is also working with the Anthroposophia Foundation to provide more education and community resources for veterinarians. Learn more about that project HERE.

Caring for your pets with Telemedicine.

All appointments are now via phone or video. We can provide assistance for healthy pet maintenance or chronic illnesses such as cancer and second opinions on diagnostic and treatment recommendations.

Set up your appointment today!

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